My Blogroll

A blogroll, in blog­ging terms, is a list of exter­nal web­sites that the local web­site lists and has some kind of con­nec­tion with. Its not very long at the moment but I expect it will grow.


A Suc­cu­bi’s Tale — One of the most seduc­tive super­nat­ur­al crea­tures around, suc­cu­bi (and their male coun­ter­parts, incu­bi) are ascribed in pop­u­lar cul­ture to be over­whelm­ing­ly and hyp­not­i­cal­ly charm­ing (sec­ond only to vam­pires in these regards, if only by their sta­tus as sec­ondary to vam­pires in pop­u­lar­i­ty, although the own­er of the blog in ques­tion will say otherwise.)

Mind Con­trol 101 — Okay, hyp­no­sis isn’t Mind Con­trol, or, at least, that’s the point I am try­ing to present. Still the two con­cepts over­lap in the pub­lic con­scious­ness far too much to be ignored.


Der­ren Brown — Well, he plays on on TV, along with play­ing an illu­sion­ist, show­man and magi­cian, and prob­a­bly a few oth­er kinds of per­former that haven’t been named yet. And he’s pret­ty good at them all, from what lit­tle I’ve been able to see (the Atlantic Ocean and the metaphor­i­cal divide it rep­re­sents makes it dif­fi­cult to watch him here in the US.) Plus he has a lot intel­li­gent things to say about a lot of dif­fer­ent sub­jects in his blog.

Bri­an David Phillips — An Amer­i­can Were­wolf in Taipei — Bri­an David Phillips has appar­ent­ly made one of his life’s goals the pro­mo­tion and pop­u­lar­iza­tion of hyp­no­sis to the lay and pro­fes­sion­al com­mu­ni­ties both through his Soci­ety for Expe­ri­en­tial Trance and his exten­sive col­lec­tion and sup­port sys­tem of train­ing videos.


Bliss­ful Thoughts — The blog of my good friend Lady Ru’Etha. She is one of the few peo­ple I’ve allowed to hyp­no­tize me. Warn­ing: Con­tent may be NSFW as what she has to say can ven­ture into sex­u­al territory.

Juke­box’s Hyp­not­ic Blog — Some­one I’ve befriend­ed through Lady Ru’Etha and who also has inter­est­ing things to say about hyp­no­sis. Again, some con­tent may be NSFW as what he has to say can ven­ture into sex­u­al territory.

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