Hypnotist Teaches Lapdancers How to Hypnotize Their Audience

Look into my thighs… not around the thighs

Hypnotist teaches lapdancers

As report­ed in The Sun, a hyp­no­tist in Eng­land is teach­ing dancers some ele­men­tary hyp­not­ic tech­niques to help them get more mon­ey out of their patrons.

A HYPNOTIST is helping lapdancers lure men into spending more money on their sexy shows.

Enter­tain­er Grant Saun­ders was called in by club boss Jason Armitage as tak­ings slumped in the recession.

Grant, 34, said: “They will use a tech­nique called anchor­ing. The man’s sub­con­scious mind becomes open to sug­ges­tion as a dancer speaks to him and gives him a lit­tle touch on the shoul­der or the knee.

But no one will be put in a trance, in the style of Lit­tle Britain hyp­no­tist Ken­ny Craig — played by Matt Lucas — who used the line: “Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, not around the eyes.”

Com­men­tary: The Sun is Britain’s answer to the New York Post, both being rather sala­cious news orga­ni­za­tions with a focus on the sen­sa­tion­al. Here, the sen­sa­tion­al involves the sex­u­al and dom­i­na­tion stereo­type sur­round­ing hyp­no­sis and exot­ic dancers using that stereo­type, at least the blar­ing head­line: one might be led to think of dancers using mys­te­ri­ous hyp­not­ic tech­niques in their dances to entrance and enthrall their audi­ence into show­er­ing them with money.

How­ev­er, the accom­pa­ny­ing arti­cle itself is pret­ty straight­for­ward about the tech­nique (anchor­ing) used and its appli­ca­tion, a well-known tech­nique for hyp­no­tists and in the arse­nal of ‘seduc­tion mas­ters’ and hyp­not­ic ‘pick-up’ artists.

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