The Hypnotism Museum — A Dream

⇒ Con­tin­ue read­ing “The Hyp­no­tism Muse­um — A Dream” […]

“The Lust Sleepers”

⇒ Con­tin­ue read­ing ““The Lust Sleep­ers”” […]

“The Shadow” — The Origin

“The Shad­ow knows” With that, one of the most suc­cess­ful pulp char­ac­ters was intro­duced to the radio and mag­a­zine audi­ence. Even today, that phrase is rec­og­nized and the char­ac­ter remem­bered: the Shad­ow, who pos­sessed the hyp­not­ic pow­er to “cloud men­s’ mind­s”.⇒ Con­tin­ue read­ing ““The Shad­ow” — The Ori­gin” […]

“Masters of the Universe: Teela’s Secret”

⇒ Con­tin­ue read­ing ““Mas­ters of the Uni­verse: Tee­la’s Secret”” […]

Agents of S.W.I.N.G.

An RPG based on British tele­vi­sion pro­grams from the Swing­in’ 60’s and Rock­in’ 70’s, from crime dra­mas to sci­ence fan­ta­sy. And, as with many RPGs, it includes rules for some form of hyp­no­sis.⇒ Con­tin­ue read­ing “Agents of S.W.I.N.G.” […]