“A Working Life: The Hypnotherapist” — Guardian, UK

The British news­pa­per The Guardian has an inter­est­ing arti­cle on hyp­nother­a­pist Antho­ny Jacquin.

The win­dow sill in the wait­ing room of Antho­ny Jacquin’s hyp­nother­a­py prac­tice is piled high with emp­ty cig­a­rette pack­ets. Unlike most of his clien­tele I am not here for help with quit­ting a debil­i­tat­ing habit of one sort or anoth­er, so I’m momen­tar­i­ly con­fused by this cue. Then the pen­ny drops.

“There’s a few scalps there,” he says proud­ly. “I cleared the office out and found a few pack­ets peo­ple had left so I put them there. That evening there were two more. I don’t ask peo­ple to leave them, but if they do, then good.”

The author Gra­ham Snow­don deserves cred­it for not giv­ing in to the media stereo­types and espe­cial­ly for writ­ing a respect­ful arti­cle that is very informative. 

Dis­cov­ered through Der­ren Brown’s blog.

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