When a Century is not a Century

I just noticed that I now have over 100 posts in my blog. Usu­al­ly that would be a mat­ter of cel­e­bra­tion, except that sev­er­al of those posts (11, to be pre­cise, includ­ing this one) are more of a sta­tion-keep­ing nature (post about the blog) than actu­al­ly posts about what the blog is about, that being hyp­no­sis in fic­tion­al media.

There­fore, I will hold off any cel­e­bra­tions until I have pub­lished 100 posts exclu­sive­ly about the top­ics that this blog is about, and I expect that will hap­pen some­time in July: I already have four more posts sched­uled, as I will be busy the next cou­ple of weekends.

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