The Authors Behind the Author of “The Hypnotist”

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“The Hyp­no­tist” is prob­a­bly the most preva­lent name for any fic­tion­al book deal­ing with hyp­no­sis: I know of at least 8 or 9 of them, not includ­ing this most recent release. There seems to be a cycle, as there are times I think that a book with this title comes out reg­u­lar­ly, with two reg­u­lar pub­li­ca­tions already this year: it could a reg­u­lar fea­ture of the blog to read and com­ment on them alone. But its rare that the crit­ics take notice of such books, so its worth not­ing when one does.

“The Hyp­no­tist” by Lars Kepler is the most recent book of the name, a Swedish mys­tery nov­el (trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish) where the hyp­no­tist is not the sus­pect or the detec­tive, but in this case an inves­ti­ga­tor (the third most log­i­cal choice) called in to help the young sur­vivor of a series of mur­ders recall infor­ma­tion about the crime. It was a best sel­l­ar in Europe, called the biggest sale of the 2009 Lon­don Book Fair and since received excel­lent reviews in such venues as Enter­tain­ment Week­ly, the Inde­pen­dant (UK), and oth­ers. Some are even call­ing Lars Kepler the next Stieg Lars­son (“The Girl With the Drag­on Tat­too”.)

Except that author Lars Kelper is only a pseu­do­nym for Swedish authors Alexan­der and Alexan­dra Coel­ho Ahn­do­ril. They were inter­viewed in the US Nation­al Pub­lic Radio Morn­ing Edi­tion pro­gram, which can be heard here. They can also be seen in a video interview:

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