The Century Mark

Accord­ing to the count, this should be the 119th post of the blog, which I am using to cel­e­brate my 100th post.

You see, not all of those 118 pre­vi­ous posts had some­thing real­ly to do with the whole Hyp­no­sis in Media col­lec­tion, so I was­n’t count­ing them. Except maybe for the ones that kind of cross over into the col­lec­tion, which made try­ing to fig­ure out which exact­ly of the posts was the cen­tu­ry mark dif­fi­cult, so I made the deci­sion that the last post would be the cen­tu­ry mark, no mat­ter what.

That’s a pret­ty decent amount, giv­en that I start­ed blog­ging just under a year ago. That’s more than two posts about the col­lec­tion alone per week, let alone the almost dou­ble dozen ones that weren’t. I’d say it was a pret­ty good run.

So far.

And I’m not stopping.

I’ve only start­ed on the col­lec­tion: there are a book and a mag­a­zine beside the com­put­er wait­ing to be read for upcom­ing posts, plus anoth­er book some­place else in the house, plus a post I’m work­ing on about what I got last week­end, and the start of a series of inter­est­ing posts, not to men­tion at least 9 posts already fin­ished in case I don’t have any­thing for my reg­u­lar sched­ule. And there are still a lot more in the book­case next door and the video / DVD col­lec­tion to work on.

So stay tuned: this ride is only just started.

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