“The Hypnotizer” — Sims 3

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For a per­for­mance that is mes­mer­iz­ing both on stage and off, the audi­ence will be cap­ti­vat­ed (and con­trolled) when your Sim steps into the spot­light with The Hyp­no­tiz­er, and full col­lec­tion of the Show Stop­ping Styles! With the See­ing Stars Set, in no time at all, your Sims will be see­ing stars!

Why is it that the online games get all the good­ies? The online game / social event net­work Sims3 is now offer­ing a most inter­est­ing item as part of its See­ing Stars Pre­mi­um Con­tent items: the Hyp­no­tiz­er! With the pow­er of the Hyp­no­tiz­er at your com­mand, you can make your­self or oth­er Sims3 char­ac­ters “strut, pout and put it out” as they can be com­mand­ed to flex their mus­cles, jam on the an air gui­tar and act like a chick­en. Just have them stare into the pret­ty spi­ral and let the fun begin!

All of these hyp­not­ic effects can be yours for mod­est price.

Update: I just found the fol­low­ing pro­mo­tion­al video about the Hypnotizer!

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