My Weekly Schedule

When I start­ed this blog, I only thought I was going to post every week. That’s changed.

I am now going with the fol­low­ing post­ing sched­ule, but only the Sun­day will be reg­u­lar. All of the rest of posts, on each day, are occa­sion­al, when I find the time and the mate­r­i­al to write about.


Mon­day is for “Mon­day Mes­sages” regard­ing blog sta­tus, my sta­tus, etc.


Tues­day is “Tele­vi­sion Tues­day” about new tele­vi­sion pro­grams and episodes worth mentioning.


Wednes­day will be my “Quick­ie Wednes­day” where I blog about items that con­tain only brief men­tions of hyp­no­sis or are rel­a­tive­ly short entries.


Thurs­days will see my “New In Comics For the Week of –/–/–”. What­ev­er I find rel­e­vant in that week’s (as they are usu­al­ly avail­able every Wednes­day) comics will be men­tioned here.


Fri­days will be “Fri­day At The Movies With Hyp­no­Me­dia” about new and applic­a­ble movie releases.


Sat­ur­day will be “Exis­ten­tial Sat­ur­days”. This is where I will write about just about any­thing that does­n’t have to do with the Hyp­no­sis in Media col­lec­tion or hyp­no­sis-relat­ed mate­r­i­al in gen­er­al. (This is a shout back to Ellie Blunt and her “Eso­teric Sat­ur­day” entries in “The Trans­par­ent Hyp­no­tist” blog and her gra­cious request for me to pub­lish arti­cles there under that top­ic. That was what got me writ­ing about my col­lec­tion and so is part­ly respon­si­ble for the cre­ation of the blog. Thanks Ellie!)


This will be my reg­u­lar week­ly sched­uled post.

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