By Way of Explanation

Why haven’t I been post­ing for the past month or more? It was because the blog was cracked and much of the behind-the-scenes oper­a­tions were unavail­able. Add to that, I was too busy with oth­er things to make much of an effort to get it resolved until very recently.

The blog got cracked because of a secu­ri­ty issue that I thought was tak­en care of, one that crack­ers tried sev­er­al times to take advan­tage of in the past, and they final­ly found the crack some­time after April 1st. What hap­pened then is that a rogue file was added to the main page and oth­er files added to the theme direc­to­ry, all for the spu­ri­ous pur­pose of pro­mot­ing fake online phar­ma­cies. Remov­ing the files from the front page with­out remov­ing or replac­ing the files in the theme direc­to­ry broke the admin­is­tra­tion sec­tion of the blog, until I replace the theme files with a pro­tect­ed copy.

Now things should be back to nor­mal. I expect to be back on a reg­u­lar sched­ule with a new post on sched­ule next weekend.

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