No Post This Week

Eye strain (caused by bro­ken glass­es) com­bined with mus­cle ten­sion headache (work relat­ed plus maybe caf­feine with­draw­al symp­toms) means reduced com­put­er time for a while until I recover.

In the mean time, here are a few of the many adver­tise­ments for hyp­no­sis books and mate­ri­als I’ve col­lect­ed over the years. Each one dates from the mid-50’s through the mid-60’s, the hey­day of such adver­tise­ments in mag­a­zines and com­ic books. Note that they all involve hyp­no­tiz­ing a a love­ly young lady as part of the adver­tis­ing about the pow­er of hypnosis.

The last one here appears to be an ad for Kon­rad Leit­ner’s book: at least, the pic­ture looks like Leit­ner, and his book was avail­able around that same time.

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