“The Truth About Hypnosis, or …”

Hyp­no­sis is a fas­ci­nat­ing top­ic and can be used to alter con­scious­ness for mag­ick­al work. It’s pow­er­ful and it works. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, most peo­ple who try it end up fail­ing. This is not because hyp­no­sis is noth­ing but a scam or a place­bo, but because they are focus­ing on the wrong thing. They’re going the wrong way.

So begins this blog entry on the Llewellyn web­site by Don­ald Michael Kraig, a board-cer­ti­fied clin­i­cal hyp­nother­a­pist and instruc­tor. I’m rec­om­mend­ing it because it lays out a num­ber of fun­da­men­tal truths about the sub­ject that often need repeating.

Far too often, the stereo­types and pre­con­cep­tions, not to men­tion the sim­ple lack of knowl­edge, about the sub­ject inter­fere with the actu­al process involved. Not just the out­ré stereo­types of sub­jects being forced to cluck like a chick­en or believ­ing that they can’t emerge from trance, but also the fin­er details of what it actu­al­ly feels like or what can hap­pen (or not hap­pen) in trance. This arti­cle by some­one who obvi­ous­ly knows what he is talk­ing about is a good intro­duc­tion to elim­i­nate these stereo­types and preconceptions.

2 Responses to ““The Truth About Hypnosis, or …””

  • Thank you for your kind words. I think the con­cepts about the ease of learn­ing induc­tions, the false focus on that, and the impor­tance of learn­ing what to do after (and even before) the induc­tion, is impor­tant, espe­cial­ly for peo­ple new to the study of hypnosis.

    For those who are unin­ter­est­ed, don’t believe, or are out­right skep­ti­cal con­cern­ing mag­ick­al con­cepts (often as a result of as much mis­in­for­ma­tion and assump­tions on the sub­ject as we find with the top­ic of hyp­no­sis), the basic con­cepts pre­sent­ed in my blog about hyp­no­sis are, I believe, valid.

    I wel­come any com­ments to my blog and hope peo­ple who agree or dis­agree will con­sid­er posting.

    • HypnoMedia says:

      I am glad you stopped by and I hope to see more of your blog­ging in the future. I believe you have a firm grasp of the ele­ments of the sit­u­a­tion here and want to hear more.

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