New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 08

Read­ing: I am find­ing “Incog­ni­to: the Secret Lives of the Brain” dif­fi­cult to read for any length of time, based on my activ­i­ty. Its a book that I real­ly ought to spend a cou­ple of hours just read­ing and cog­i­tat­ing about.

Research: In the cat­e­go­ry of “bet­ter late than nev­er” comes “Doc­tor Volut­pua” an NSFW web­com­ic about the com­e­dy involved with an endowed psy­chol­o­gist deal­ing in sex­u­al dif­fi­cul­ties. Alas, as soon as word about it hit the major report­ing sites, the cre­ator of the series announced that he was putting it on hiatus.

Which is rather a shame con­sid­er­ing the humor involved.

Next week is like­ly to be pret­ty busy: I record­ed five dif­fer­ent ses­sions on Sat­ur­day that will have to be edit­ed down and com­bined with oth­er ele­ments for a series of CDs. That and three oth­er events this week are all lead­ing up to busy week.

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