30 Days of Hypnosis: Day 11

Favorite hypnotic experience as a hypnotist?

If my expe­ri­ence as a sub­ject is lim­it­ed, my expe­ri­ence as a hyp­no­tist is almost non-exis­tent. I have some train­ing and a lot of obser­va­tion and rumi­na­tion, but out­side of a few class­room sit­u­a­tions, I have not hyp­no­tized any­one. (The one instance at a con­ven­tion par­ty where a small group of us were so frac­tion­at­ed that all it took was a sim­ple com­mand or even just wav­ing a fin­ger before some­one’s eyes to drop any and all of us does­n’t count. If I had to make a choice, that prob­a­bly would be it.)

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