Just a reminder, folks

I just had to delete a com­ment which had very lit­tle to do with the top­ic at hand and every­thing to do with being a (rather pathet­ic) polit­i­cal dia­tribe. That kind of mate­r­i­al has no place here and will be delet­ed: this is my place and any­one who wants to con­tribute has to play by my rules. Those rules are pret­ty flex­i­ble but this time the writer went way over the line. I won’t repeat what they wrote but what it came a lit­tle too close to get­ting referred to the author­i­ties that I am com­fort­able with (and if they’d been a lit­tle more imag­i­na­tive than just sim­ply doing a search&replace job it would have been) and I’m refer­ring specif­i­cal­ly to a US fed­er­al depart­ment with a proven record of hav­ing no sense of humor.

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