“They Came From Hyde Brothers” — 2011/01/15

I real­ly should check out Hyde Broth­ers more reg­u­lar­ly. That’s a local used book store of the old school type which has been the source for a good per­cent­age of my non-fic­tion hyp­no­sis (and some fic­tion, as well) col­lec­tion, includ­ing some rar­i­ties like an 1871 com­pi­la­tion vol­ume enti­tled “Library of Mes­merism” which includes such works as “Fas­ci­na­tion or the Phi­los­o­phy of Charm­ing (Illus­trat­ing the Prin­ci­ples of Life)” and “The Phi­los­o­phy of Elec­tri­cal Psy­chol­o­gy in Twelve Lec­tures” or the six vol­umes of the Shaftes­bury Ral­ston Pub­lish­ing ‘Home Study’ col­lec­tion in very fine bind­ings. I’ve bought a lot from them over the years and they deserve every acco­lade I can bestow upon them.

Every so often they get a num­ber of hyp­no­sis-relat­ed books and some­times I’m there to get them. That has­n’t hap­pened for a while, main­ly for finan­cial rea­sons, but I was on my way between two stops and the store hap­pened to be on the way, so yes­ter­day, I stopped by, and came away with four new addi­tions to my collection.

“Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Dummies”

Ever since the con­cept was dis­tilled from Erick­son, NLP has been treat­ed as some­thing of a bas­tard child to hyp­no­sis, from what I’ve seen. Its also been some­thing I’ve want­ed to learn more about.

“Hindu Psychology: Its Meaning For the West” by Swami Akhilananda (1946)

While the gen­er­al sub­ject mat­ter has lit­tle to do with hyp­no­sis, there is a long chap­ter enti­tled ‘Will and Per­son­al­i­ty’ which includes sub-chap­ters ‘Will’, ‘Sug­ges­tion’ and ‘Hyp­no­sis’. Added for completeness.

“Wide Awake, Clear-Headed and Refreshed” by Ryan Elliot (1991)

“Med­ical Hyp­no­analy­sis in Action” reads the sub-title, and that’s exact­ly what it is: a chat­ty cross between a con­ve­nient guide for hyp­nother­a­pists and a expla­na­tion for the lay patient.

“Hypnotism A Correct Guide to the Science and How Subjects are Influenced” by Carl Sexton (ⅯⅮⅭⅭⅭⅭⅩⅤⅠ)

I was pret­ty sure I already had a copy in my col­lec­tion, in prob­a­bly bet­ter shape, but I could­n’t resist giv­ing this poor­ly treat­ed copy a good home. The inte­ri­or is unfor­tu­nate­ly even more mis­treat­ed than the cov­er, alas.

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