
The pre­vi­ous post, “The Hyp­not­ic Eye (1960) Part I” is my 50th post. Hard to believe that I’ve come this far already. That rough­ly means I’ve post­ed 10 times per month in the past 5 months. Of course not all of the posts were not about the col­lec­tion but a very large per­cent­age of them were.

And its appro­pri­ate this movie was that mile­stone. Its a clas­sic exam­ple of the stereo­types sur­round­ing hyp­no­sis, with its dark­ly sin­is­ter hyp­no­tist and the unre­sist­ing and endan­gered sub­jects. That it had a real pro­fes­sion­al stage hyp­no­tist work­ing behind the scene to assist on the scenes and even hyp­no­tize the cast to have the go into trance on cam­era only adds to the appeal.

Its also appro­pri­ate as I pos­sess a great deal of mate­r­i­al relat­ed to the movie, which will be forth­com­ing. I believe I have in my col­lect all of the pub­lic­i­ty stills released, plus com­plete copies of both the British and US press­books. Even a copy of the script, too! My biggest prob­lem is fig­ur­ing out how to dis­play it all in the blog.

And once that’s all done, I have to won­der: what will I do for post # 100?

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