30 Days of Hypnosis: Day 30

Just rant about hypnosis. Go crazy!

But not too crazy… 65% crazy, 35% sane.

I wish that hyp­no­sis was more accept­ed, and that will only hap­pen when it is more wide­ly seen or expe­ri­enced, and not just as enter­tain­ment but as a help­ful med­ical and social prac­tice. I have a crazy idea that stu­dents be taught some­time in their ear­ly teens such ele­men­tary self-hyp­no­sis tech­niques as pain con­trol, con­cen­tra­tion, med­i­ta­tion, fear con­trol, etc. Of course that would dri­ve cer­tain sec­tors of soci­ety crazy, with claims of “mind con­trol” and worse. [The lat­ter being the “crazy” part.] That, and some form of mar­tial art, prefer­ably one of the “soft­er” arts like Aiki­do or Tai Chi, with an empha­sis on self-defense and con­flict avoidance.

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