This Week in Comics — 2011/02/16

Its Vam­pire Week in this install­ment of This Week in Comics!

“Vampirella #3”

As seen in the pre­vi­ous issue, vam­pires have the pow­er to enthrall their vic­tims. The ques­tion was, does Vam­pirella have the same pow­er? Accord­ing to this issue, yes, she does, she just does­n’t like to use it, espe­cial­ly on humans, but some­times its unavoid­able, espe­cial­ly in this case, on the woman who was enthralled in the pre­vi­ous issue.

(Vam­pirella) “Be still.”

(Sofia) “No got­ta get out of here let me go â€¦

(Sofia) “ok”

(Vam­pirella) “I hate doing this, slip­ping into a human’s mind and bend­ing it to my will.
“It’s a violation.
“I should stay on tar­get. Focus on the enemy.
“But I just can’t leave her like this. Lost and vul­ner­a­ble.”

(Vam­pirella) “Come with me. You’ll be safe.”

(Sofia) “ ‘k. Come with you. Be safe.”

How­ev­er, once they are safe, Vam­pirella enters a coma and is uncon­scious for two days. Dur­ing that time, the girl she enthralled and res­cued stayed with her, and is now curi­ous about her and is even will­ing to assist her, hav­ing seen only the barest frac­tion of the hor­rors that await.

“Eerie Cuties”

I men­tioned the web­com­ic “Eerie Cuties” a cou­ple of weeks ago. Despite hav­ing at least two vam­pires as con­tin­u­ing char­ac­ters, up to now, there has been no dis­play of any­thing resem­bling vam­pire mes­merism or mind control.

Until now.

The com­ic from this past Tues­day fea­tures a bit of vam­pire mind con­trol through the con­text of the clas­sic neck bite. Lay­la, the old­er vam­pire sis­ter is try­ing on some new clothes when she decides that the sales­girl Tiffany help­ing her would look bet­ter in them. The man­ag­er objects, send­ing Tiffany run­ning away scream­ing. Feel­ing maybe a lit­tle respon­si­ble for the sit­u­a­tion, as well as being slight­ly annoyed at the man­ag­er, Lay­la puts the bite on the man­ag­er: Lay­la then tells the man­ag­er to for­get the inci­dent, and, oh, yes, give Tiffany a raise.

The fact that Tiffany is a vam­pire-slay­er and knows Lay­la is a vam­pire is also cause for amuse­ment, as she like total­ly miss­es her chances to stake Lay­la, always promis­ing to her­self that she will total­ly do it the next chance she gets. Much amuse­ment expect­ed in the future.

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