“More Favorite Stories of Hypnotism” — Suggestions?

“Favorite Sto­ries of Hyp­no­tism” is a clas­sic col­lec­tion of, of course, sto­ries that involve hyp­no­tism. How­ev­er, that book was pub­lished in 1965 and was dat­ed even then. I think it would be inter­est­ing to try to put the sequel togeth­er. But what would be included?

I would start with the fol­low­ing: about every one of these I list­ed below are either SF or fan­ta­sy, but, as in the orig­i­nal col­lec­tion, they do not have to be so lim­it­ed. Even though some of the SF sto­ries are mys­ter­ies, too, I would like some reg­u­lar mys­tery sto­ries, as well, maybe even a romance sto­ry, too, just to cov­er the range.

  • ‘Cri­sis: 1999’ by Fredric Brown — Police dis­cov­er a strange phe­nom­e­non: crim­i­nals are get­ting few­er in num­ber and they can’t fig­ture out why.
  • ‘Day­mare’ by Fredric Brown — An inves­ti­ga­tor dis­cov­ers a mind con­troller quick­ly mov­ing up the in polti­cal world, tak­ing com­plete con­trol as he goes.
  • ‘Eight O’Clock in the Morn­ing’ by Ray Nelson
  • ‘The Key to the Tem­ple of Heav­en’ by Sax Rohmer — One of Sax Rohmer’s Madame de Medici sto­ries. Madame de Medici was one of Rohmer’s stock hyp­not­i­cal­ly seduc­tive women who used her hyp­not­ic wiles and pow­ers to influ­ence men into doing her bid­ding. I also feel that Sax Rohmer should be rep­re­sent­ed here and the rest of his writ­ing is nov­el length and too long for the col­lec­tion. I am includ­ing this one because I have not been able to find a copy of any of the oth­er de Medici stories.
  • ‘Look­ing for Some­thing’ by Frank Herbert
  • ‘Mes­mer­i­ca’ by Eric Frank Rus­sell — Explor­ers on an alien world see things dif­fer­ent­ly as they are men­tal­ly influ­enced by the alien ecology
  • ‘Mis­sion: Hyp­no­sis’ by Har­lan Elli­son — A spy is hyp­no­tized to aid his covert activity.
  • ‘Poor Super­man’ by Fritz Leiber — A mind con­troller gets his comeuppance.
  • ‘Rogue Psi’ by James Schmitz — Tele­path­ic hyp­no­sis, by one of the mas­ters of sto­ries with telepa­thy and tele­path­ic mind con­trol themes. Here a mas­ter psy­chic has been sti­fling the space pro­gram because it would allow peo­ple to escape his world-wide control.
  • ‘The Ser­vant Prob­lem’ by William Tenn — In a future soci­ety, who is con­trol­ling whom?
  • ‘The Telzey Toy’ by James Schmitz — I should also include a Schmitz sto­ry involv­ing Telzey Amberdon.

Any fur­ther suggestions?

3 comments to “More Favorite Stories of Hypnotism” — Suggestions?

  • ronin1861

    Rohmer wrote anoth­er Madame de Medici sto­ry called The Black Man­darin, which fea­tures in a col­lec­tion of short sto­ries called Tales of East & West.
    There’s also an anthol­o­gy of med­ical-relat­ed sto­ries with an inter­est­ing hyp­no­sis sto­ry in it. I’ll need to look the book and oth­er details out — more soon…

  • HypnoMedia

    I includ­ed ‘The Key to the Tem­ple of Heav­en’ because I was able to find a copy of it online but I have nev­er found the oth­er, either online or for sale. This one does have the req­ui­site (and stereo­typ­i­cal) hyp­no­sis scene that I want to include, but if the oth­er one presents it bet­ter I could change my mind.

  • ronin1861

    The scene is nar­rat­ed in the first per­son (like a lot of Rohmer’s sto­ries) by a friend of Paul Harley, who is unpre­pared for an encounter with MdM, and con­se­quent­ly falls quite heav­i­ly. A nice scene in keep­ing with Rohmer’s take on being hyp­not­i­cal­ly overwhelmed.
    Sec­ond-hand copies seem quite expen­sive on Abebooks.
    The oth­er sto­ry I was think­ing of I think you might have includ­ed in your old HiM site — ‘Out­pa­tient’ by Ros­alind War­ren, from an anthol­o­gy called ‘Vital Lines’. It’s only 6 pages and sug­gests a quite car­toony take on the subject.