A website that I will be investigating further is the Science Fiction Encyclopedia website. An outgrowth of the 1995 encyclopedia of the same name edited by John Clute and Peter Nichols and published in collaboration with Gollancz SF Gateway, this is an attempt to be a comprehensive encyclopedia of the authors, themes and culture related to science fiction (and fantasy as well.) The encyclopedia is currently in beta release.
As expected, one of the topics in question is HYPNOSIS, which lists a number of the early works involving hypnosis and mesmerism, including a few I was not aware of, such as “Kalee’s Shrine” by Grant Allen and May Cotes. The website definitely bears further investigation.
Note: Several years ago, I wrote the article on “Hypnotism” for the second edition of the Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, which is apparently not connected with this online version.