This Month’s Theme — Items Older than Myself

As my birth­day occurs this month, I thought it appro­pri­ate to blog about items in the Col­lec­tion that are old­er than myself. Items I am con­sid­er­ing include: 

  • An arti­cle in the Radio World mag­a­zine from March 26th, 1927, enti­tled ‘Hyp­no­tism Prac­ticed Over Airway!’
  • ‘Min­ions of the Tiger’ by Chester S. Geier from Fan­tas­tic Adven­tures, Sep­tem­ber, 1946 
  • “Under the BIrds’ Nests ‑or- The Bru­tal­i­ty of Hyp­no­sis” by Car­olline Cunningham 
  • “Flint’s Lessons in Hypnotism”
  • “The Secrets of Clairovoy­ance and How to Become an Oper­a­tor / Mes­merism and Psy­chol­o­gy and How to Become a Mes­mer­iz­er and Psychologist”
  • ‘Sven­gali of Sex! Expose of Car­ni­val Hyp­no­tism Rack­et’ in Detec­tive World Magazine 
  • ‘My Eyes Have Seen Your Mind’ by Franz Pol­gar in Sen­sa­tion, March, 1942 

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