Judge Anderson Makes an Appearance

The lat­est scenes post­ed online from the film­ing of the new Judge Dredd movie “Dredd” include a shot of Psi-Judge Ander­son (Olivia Thirl­by), along­side the title char­ac­ter, notably as she appeared in the 2000 AD comics with­out the stan­dard judge’s hel­met and what appears to be a Psi-Judge badge. (Its most­ly cov­ered by her arm but its sig­nif­i­cant­ly dif­fer­ent than Judge Dred­d’s badge.)

Psi-Judges were a spe­cial sec­tion of the the Judges in the Judge Dredd com­ic pub­lished in the 2000 AD comics mag­a­zine, indi­vid­u­als with psy­chic tal­ents such as telepa­thy, empa­thy, pre­cog­ni­tion, etc. Psi-Judge Cas­san­dra Ander­son was a pow­er­ful telepath and also pos­sessed a facil­i­ty for pre­cog­ni­tion. She was con­sid­ered one of the strongest telepaths in the sec­tion and was one of the few oth­er judges, includ­ing Psi-Judges, that Judge Dredd him­self trusted.

Although its unknown what use the char­ac­ter’s psy­chic pow­ers will be in the sto­ry­line, it is still a good sign that she appears in the new movie. At least is should be bet­ter than the last attempt.

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