“Mandrake the Magician” Makes an Appearance

I have just seen news that Titan Books will reprint the orig­i­nal “Man­drake the Magi­cian” Sun­day com­ic strips. The first col­lec­tion will be released in Feb­ru­ary, 2012, and cov­er the first two years of pub­li­ca­tion, 1935–1937.

As the release says:

From the very begin­ning in 1934, these are the orig­i­nal adven­tures of the famous com­ic strip detec­tive — col­lect­ed in full for the very first time!

Man­drake is a mas­ter of hyp­no­sis, whose abil­i­ty caus­es his oppo­nents to encounter wild illu­sions, giv­ing the heroes the upper hand in a fight. His ene­mies cov­er a broad spec­trum, includ­ing gang­sters, mad sci­en­tists, alien crea­tures, and char­ac­ters from oth­er adven­tures. His great­est ally is Lothar, “Prince of the Sev­en Nations” who gave up his crown to join Man­drake in his globe-trot­ting adven­tures. They are accom­pa­nied by the beau­ti­ful Nar­da, princess of a Euro­pean nation and Man­drake’s roman­tic interest.

Man­drake was cre­at­ed by Lee Falk, who is also the cre­ator of The Phan­tom, and is the clas­sic exam­ple of the stage magi­cian hero. He has the abil­i­ty to hyp­no­tize his oppo­nents which adds to his mys­tic aura, yet he is also capa­ble of actu­al feats of mag­ic and mys­ti­cism, mak­ing him a super­heroic char­ac­ter before the acknowl­edged first super­hero, Super­man, was pub­lished. This is some­thing I am seri­ous­ly look­ing for­ward to seeing

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