‘Missing Persons’ — Legionnaires # 66

Mind Con­trol in the 30th Cen­tu­ry: a vil­lain­ess with mutant abil­i­ties that forces men to obey her. (And, appar­ent­ly, to fight for her as well.)

Legion­naires Vol 1, issue 66: Its a solo mis­sion for Invis­i­ble Kid (Lyle Norg) in this issue, as he inves­ti­gates some illic­it influ­ence on the local econ­o­my. That influ­ence, lit­er­al­ly, is Char­ma and her pheromone pow­er that allows her to con­trol men. Cap­tured and with­out the pro­tec­tion of his Legion transsuit (a trans­par­ent space­suit, stan­dard Legion issue) he is com­plete­ly vul­ner­a­ble to Char­ma’s powers.

That is, until a mys­te­ri­ous invis­i­ble fig­ure frees Lyle and with­in the pro­tec­tion of his transsuit, is able to over­come Char­ma, but not before the read­ers are shown a good bit of the back­sto­ry of Lyle and Mara Grace (Char­ma) and Jacques Foc­cart, the sec­ond Invis­i­ble Kid.

His­to­ry: This is the sec­ond appear­ance and incar­na­tion of Char­ma in Legion his­to­ry. Her first appear­ance was in con­junc­tion with Grim­bor the Chains­man, a deranged engi­neer and lock expert ded­i­cat­ed to impris­on­ing the Legion: he used Char­ma and her psy­chic hyp­not­ic effect on men to aid his bat­tle but in the end it was that same effect that ulti­mate­ly caused his down­fall. Char­ma, how­ev­er, was sent off to a wom­en’s prison, where her hyp­not­ic effect upon women caused her fel­low pris­on­ers to hate her and even­tu­al­ly gang up and kill her.

Note: Char­ma was cre­at­ed by fan-favorites writer Jim Shoot­er and artist Mike Grell.

Com­men­tary: The Legion of Super-Heroes have a long and com­pli­cat­ed his­to­ry, com­pris­ing a num­ber of dif­fer­ent titles and var­ied back­sto­ries and his­to­ries. Most of the times, they were part of the Unit­ed Fed­er­a­tion of Plan­ets law enforce­ment, but at least one oth­er time, they were a rad­i­cal orga­ni­za­tion devot­ed to teen rights.

And from Char­ma’s cos­tume, even though this is the 30th Cen­tu­ry, bondage wear like this is still hard­ly with­in the lim­its of fash­ion. It does, how­ev­er, serve as a super-vil­lain costume.

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