“Suicide Squad: Kill Arkhan Asylum” #4

Take one stone-cold killer, four crim­i­nal mind con­trollers, and add a com­e­dy relief vil­lain in a com­ic with­out com­e­dy, and the sum is mur­der and may­hem.⇒ Con­tin­ue read­ing ““Sui­cide Squad: Kill Arkhan Asy­lum” #4″ […]

“Only Human” by Gareth Roberts (2005) — Doctor Who

⇒ Con­tin­ue read­ing ““Only Human” by Gareth Roberts (2005) — Doc­tor Who” […]

“The Last of the Gaderene” by Mark Gatiss (2000) — Doctor Who

⇒ Con­tin­ue read­ing ““The Last of the Gaderene” by Mark Gatiss (2000) — Doc­tor Who” […]

“The Harvest of Time” by Alastair Reynolds (2013) — Doctor Who

⇒ Con­tin­ue read­ing ““The Har­vest of Time” by Alas­tair Reynolds (2013) — Doc­tor Who” […]

Doctor Who Novels Reviewed

⇒ Con­tin­ue read­ing “Doc­tor Who Nov­els Reviewed” […]