New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 01

This is the first of what I will try to make a week­ly series, updates on how I am sat­is­fy­ing my New Year’s Res­o­lu­tions this year. How­ev­er, this is going to be short: I just spent the last half-hour writ­ing this post only to have Word­Press sig­nal some kind of “error” when try­ing to save it and there­by los­ing every­thing I wrote.

Essen­tial­ly, I have been too busy with work (I worked 26 days out of the 31 days of Decem­ber, includ­ing New Year’s Eve, and Jan­u­ary has been just as busy so far) to have any time oth­er than what I call the “sta­tion keep­ing” tasks of pay­ing the bills, buy­ing gro­ceries and gas, prep­ping my car­ry-along meals for my pri­ma­ry job, etc.

About the only I have done is start research­ing the folk­lore regard­ing the vam­pire’s mes­mer­ic gaze, pri­mar­i­ly by start­ing the out­line for my research, and even that’s only in the pre­lim­i­nary stages.

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