New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 02

Work, work and more work. That’s about all I have to say about this last week. Very lit­tle research or writ­ing but a lot of thought of what I would write when I had the time. (Work is large­ly mind­less which gives me the time to think things over and plan what to do: unfor­tu­nate­ly I don’t always have the ener­gy after­ward to put those thoughts down as soon as I would like.)

How­ev­er, in com­plete­ly unre­lat­ed mat­ters, I did go to watch “Young Frankstein” here in town last week. It was cer­tain­ly wor­thy of all the Tony Awards it won and very faith­ful to the spir­it of the orig­i­nal movie. The ‘Puttin’ On the Ritz’ dance num­ber is the real show stop­per, in more than just one way. It was also my Christ­mas present to a good friend, of which (and of which all my oth­er local friends) I have seen lit­tle of this sea­son and so it was nec­es­sary for me on a main­te­nance basis.

I was able to locate copies of a cou­ple of ani­mat­ed series of which I will be writ­ing in the future, so that at least is a plus.

2 comments to New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 02

  • Miss R

    Young Franken­stein is a won­der­ful film, one of my Brook’s favourites. All the actors com­pli­ment­ed the sto­ry and relat­ed to have great fun doing it.

    • HypnoMedia

      What I should have men­tioned is that I saw the Broad­way stage pro­duc­tion of “Young Franken­stein”. The local the­ater gets one or two Broad­way trav­el­ing pro­duc­tions every year (last year it was “Spa­malot”) and I try to get out to one peri­od­i­cal­ly. It does­n’t hurt that the the­ater itself is one of those old 30’s era halls with incred­i­ble acoustics and a long his­to­ry that I like to support.