New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 03

Read­ing: I dis­cov­ered a nov­el in the SF sec­tion of the local book­store with the provoca­tive name “Trance” which did indeed involve a char­ac­ter with trance-induc­ing pow­ers. I was a lit­tle dis­ap­point­ed with some the details of the sto­ry but there was enough addi­tion­al mate­r­i­al to include it with the Col­lec­tion. (You can read more about it in the reg­u­lar post­ing this week.)

Writ­ing: Three entries this week! Grant­ed, two were pret­ty short but even that is bet­ter than I’ve been doing. Plus there is anoth­er short entry in the works for release soon.

Research: Only a minor bit on a rather long blog entry regard­ing a major super-vil­lain, as I asked the advice of anoth­er comics fan regard­ing one of my propo­si­tions about the indi­vid­ual. (For what it is worth, he agreed with my proposition.)

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