A “Mandrake the Magician” movie appearing?

Well, accord­ing to the Hol­ly­wood Reporter, Warn­er Broth­ers had obtained the rights to the near­ly 80-year-old char­ac­ter of Man­drake the Magi­cian and is team­ing up with a pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny named Atlas Pro­duc­tions to pro­duce it. Of course, this does have to be tak­en with a cer­tain lev­el of skep­ti­cism: just the act of obtain­ing the rights and announc­ing that a movie is in the works has hap­pened so many times in the past, to just about every pos­si­ble prop­er­ty avail­able. Its all part of the high-stakes mon­ey game that is Hol­ly­wood. In fact, even the Man­drake prop­er­ty has been through the poten­tial pro­duc­tion cycle a few times itself.

The arti­cle goes on to name some names that I don’t rec­og­nize but must be known to the Hol­ly­wood insid­er tar­get audi­ence. Accord­ing to the arti­cle, the pro­duc­ers want to give Man­drake a “21st Cen­tu­ry makeover” as what hap­pened to the most recent Sher­lock Holmes movies, but I would more pre­fer an actu­al updat­ing of the prop­er­ty to not only bring it actu­al­ly into the present day but also get rid of the ear­ly racial stereo­typ­ing embed­ded in the stories.

I for one would be very inter­est­ed in see­ing what might come of this, if it actu­al­ly makes it to the big screen. That being said, I would hope it would be done by peo­ple who respect the orig­i­nal source and the con­cepts with­in it.

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