Archive for the ‘Website Information and Maintenance’ Category

New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 10

A very dis­ap­point­ing week: I watched two of the teams I work for lose two games each this week­end, three of them by let­ting the oth­er team catch up and take the lead in the last min­utes. Then there was the prob­lems I’ve been hav­ing record­ing mate­r­i­al for a client, which I will have to record again this week, mak­ing it the third time for these same tracks.

Plus doing all this left lit­tle time for any­thing else. Thus no real updates this week.

New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 09

I nor­mal­ly do most of the work for the blog on the weekends.

This last week­end was not a nor­mal weekend.

Three events, two din­ners, two meet­ings and a birth­day par­ty, plus work­ing on edit­ing a series of record­ings for a client. Not much room for any­thing else. I was able to put togeth­er the week­ly blog post on Fri­day because it was a book I just re-read. About the only oth­er thing I was able to do was renew “Incog­ni­to” at the library because I was­n’t fin­ished read­ing it. So annoy­ing but that’s life.

Changes: I have a num­ber of web­sites and pages open in my brows­er for even­tu­al post­ing in the blog. I have decid­ed to change that and men­tion them in my Twit­ter feed with the hash­tag “#Hyp­Know” from now on. That saves me hav­ing to write some­thing wit­ty about the page while still draw­ing peo­ple’s atten­tion to it.

New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 08

Read­ing: I am find­ing “Incog­ni­to: the Secret Lives of the Brain” dif­fi­cult to read for any length of time, based on my activ­i­ty. Its a book that I real­ly ought to spend a cou­ple of hours just read­ing and cog­i­tat­ing about.

Research: In the cat­e­go­ry of “bet­ter late than nev­er” comes “Doc­tor Volut­pua” an NSFW web­com­ic about the com­e­dy involved with an endowed psy­chol­o­gist deal­ing in sex­u­al dif­fi­cul­ties. Alas, as soon as word about it hit the major report­ing sites, the cre­ator of the series announced that he was putting it on hiatus.

Which is rather a shame con­sid­er­ing the humor involved.

Next week is like­ly to be pret­ty busy: I record­ed five dif­fer­ent ses­sions on Sat­ur­day that will have to be edit­ed down and com­bined with oth­er ele­ments for a series of CDs. That and three oth­er events this week are all lead­ing up to busy week.

New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 07

Five of sev­en days spent at work plus a two-hour inter­view process at a work­site 45 min­utes away meant lit­tle time for much else this week, alas.

Read­ing: Much of my rou­tine sched­ule was dis­rupt­ed this past week, leav­ing lit­tle time for read­ing, research and writ­ing. Then my lim­it­ed read­ing time was dis­tract­ed with a short sto­ry col­lec­tion that I dis­cov­ered in the world of a favorite author of mine, but which may have sparked an idea for a short sto­ry in that same world.

Research: I am fol­low­ing the cur­rent sto­ry­line in the Bleach ani­me series, fol­low­ing from the man­ga sto­ry­line, which has an inter­est­ing take on mind con­trol. The antag­o­nist appar­ent­ly has the pow­er to edit mem­o­ries of peo­ple and has insert­ed him­self into the lives of all the fam­i­ly and friends of the lead pro­tag­o­nist. I’m still not sure why the lead nor anoth­er pro­tag­o­nist have been left alone, except maybe to have fight scenes.There is also a cou­ple of oth­er pro­tag­o­nists who are also exclud­ed from the effect but whose motives and actions are unclear. I’ll write up the details when the sto­ry­line is concluded.

I am also fol­low­ing the Star Trek / Legion of Super-Heroes com­ic series: the lead antag­o­nist’s ram­pant suc­cess at con­quest is large­ly because of the real­i­ty and mind con­trol abil­i­ties of the “Macguf­fin” of the sto­ry­line. Look­ing for­ward to the final issue when the Macguf­fin gets its revenge.

New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 06

Total weird­ness: a plu­g­in con­flict was ren­der­ing the vis­i­ble blog sec­tion, but not the admin sec­tion, com­plete­ly blank. No data as to which plu­g­in was doing it, the only way to fig­ure it out is to dis­able one after anoth­er to find the offend­ing one.

Which hap­pened to be the first one I tried. Or maybe not: maybe it was just the order in which things were run, and dis­abling and enabling things fixed it. Who knows? What mat­ters is that the blog is back up and oper­a­tional again. Very annoying.

Read­ing: Anoth­er regency romance, this time with a lit­tle more bite and soci­ety pol­i­tics involved than the last one. The male pro­tag­o­nist is not com­fort­able in his new peer­age and sev­er­al of the influ­en­tial mem­bers of the ton have it in for him. At least there’s some­thing more going on than the two even­tu­al lovers sigh­ing and won­der­ing whether they love each oth­er, as at this point they hard­ly know each other.

Research: I picked up the library copy of “Incognito:  the Secret Lives of the Brain” this after­noon but haven’t had the chance to start read­ing it yet. Hope­ful­ly tomor­row afternoon.

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