New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 06

Total weird­ness: a plu­g­in con­flict was ren­der­ing the vis­i­ble blog sec­tion, but not the admin sec­tion, com­plete­ly blank. No data as to which plu­g­in was doing it, the only way to fig­ure it out is to dis­able one after anoth­er to find the offend­ing one.

Which hap­pened to be the first one I tried. Or maybe not: maybe it was just the order in which things were run, and dis­abling and enabling things fixed it. Who knows? What mat­ters is that the blog is back up and oper­a­tional again. Very annoying.

Read­ing: Anoth­er regency romance, this time with a lit­tle more bite and soci­ety pol­i­tics involved than the last one. The male pro­tag­o­nist is not com­fort­able in his new peer­age and sev­er­al of the influ­en­tial mem­bers of the ton have it in for him. At least there’s some­thing more going on than the two even­tu­al lovers sigh­ing and won­der­ing whether they love each oth­er, as at this point they hard­ly know each other.

Research: I picked up the library copy of “Incognito:  the Secret Lives of the Brain” this after­noon but haven’t had the chance to start read­ing it yet. Hope­ful­ly tomor­row afternoon.

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