New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 07

Five of sev­en days spent at work plus a two-hour inter­view process at a work­site 45 min­utes away meant lit­tle time for much else this week, alas.

Read­ing: Much of my rou­tine sched­ule was dis­rupt­ed this past week, leav­ing lit­tle time for read­ing, research and writ­ing. Then my lim­it­ed read­ing time was dis­tract­ed with a short sto­ry col­lec­tion that I dis­cov­ered in the world of a favorite author of mine, but which may have sparked an idea for a short sto­ry in that same world.

Research: I am fol­low­ing the cur­rent sto­ry­line in the Bleach ani­me series, fol­low­ing from the man­ga sto­ry­line, which has an inter­est­ing take on mind con­trol. The antag­o­nist appar­ent­ly has the pow­er to edit mem­o­ries of peo­ple and has insert­ed him­self into the lives of all the fam­i­ly and friends of the lead pro­tag­o­nist. I’m still not sure why the lead nor anoth­er pro­tag­o­nist have been left alone, except maybe to have fight scenes.There is also a cou­ple of oth­er pro­tag­o­nists who are also exclud­ed from the effect but whose motives and actions are unclear. I’ll write up the details when the sto­ry­line is concluded.

I am also fol­low­ing the Star Trek / Legion of Super-Heroes com­ic series: the lead antag­o­nist’s ram­pant suc­cess at con­quest is large­ly because of the real­i­ty and mind con­trol abil­i­ties of the “Macguf­fin” of the sto­ry­line. Look­ing for­ward to the final issue when the Macguf­fin gets its revenge.

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