Life, and All That

Its been quite a while since I post­ed. There are many rea­sons for that, the most impor­tant one being Life. I have been much too busy to take the time to prop­er­ly write posts, and some­times too busy even to do more than the reg­u­lar site maintenance.

I was busy cre­at­ing my own per­son­al web­site, which not only includ­ed con­struct­ing it and set­ting up the Word­Press plu­g­ins, but also writ­ing the plu­g­ins to per­form the func­tions for which the avail­able plu­g­ins were inad­e­quate if not entire­ly non-exis­tent. I was busy writ­ing pub­lish­ing fic­tion, of which more is men­tioned on my web­site. I was also work­ing, part time but at least work­ing. And final­ly, I was busy with fam­i­ly mat­ters. All of these things are still ongo­ing and will con­tin­ue in the fore­see­able future.

How­ev­er, I have the time and the impe­tus to do at least some post­ing at this time. I decid­ed to give myself a tablet com­put­er for my birth­day, in large part as a bribe and encour­age­ment to go over to the local exer­cise place on a reg­u­lar basis: there I would be able to watch videos of my own choos­ing instead of the adver­tis­ing-laden and ‑dis­tract­ing tele­vi­sion. This also allowed me the abil­i­ty to down­load and read dig­i­tal books, so I scoured the Guten­berg library for books on hyp­no­sis and mes­merism and loaded them into the tablet. I already read some and I plan on post­ing about them in the near future.

There will be oth­er posts, oth­er mate­r­i­al that I encoun­tered over the past year that will be sub­jects for new post­ings. Stay tuned!

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