‘Never Mess With Layla Delacroix’ — Eerie Cuties

I’ve men­tioned “Eerie Cuties” in the past, but this one page is worth repeat­ing the mention.

The back­sto­ry of the page is that Chloe the Suc­cubus ‘bor­rowed’ some­thing from her moth­er which increased her suc­cubus pow­ers. As a result, she addict­ed Lay­la Delacroix, a vam­pire, to her blood and used her con­nec­tion with Lay­la’s boyfriend Dio to have din­ner with him as part of some seri­ous suc­cubus fore­play. How­ev­er, dur­ing din­ner, she made an absolute pig of her­self, fin­ish­ing with pour­ing choco­late fon­due all over herself.

And the ‘scrub brush’ is actu­al­ly an obnox­ious doll pos­sessed with the spir­it of a total per­vert, who rel­ish­es any sit­u­a­tion where ‘he’ can get close to (one of) the objects of his desires. Suf­fice to say, Lay­la is quite sat­is­fied in her revenge.

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