New Year’s Resolution Scorecard — Week 05

This month, being Feb­ru­ary, is Romance Month. I’ve got sev­er­al romance nov­els and short sto­ries to blog about, some of which I’ve nev­er read.

Read­ing: As might be expect­ed, I’ve nev­er read most of the romance nov­els in the col­lec­tion, but of those I have read, I found them easy reads, so I am try­ing to get a cou­ple of them read this week so I can start writ­ing about them. I already fin­ished one, but it was a slight dis­ap­point­ment, as the only entrance­ment involved was the age-old pow­er that a beau­ti­ful woman has over the man obvi­ous­ly meant to be hers. The one I am read­ing at the time I am writ­ing this is def­i­nite­ly rel­e­vant, as the female pro­tag­o­nist is a hyp­nother­a­pist who is treat­ing the male protagonist.

I’ve also dis­cov­ered I have only about a dozen romance books in the col­lec­tion, plus two short sto­ry col­lec­tions, rang­ing from the tra­di­tion­al Har­le­quin romance ‘quick­ie’ nov­els and their com­peti­tors to the mas­sive, com­plex best­seller books. There are almost cer­tain­ly more out there, what with the resur­gence of the vam­pire romance books: maybe by this time next year I will have a whole new set of books to blog about.

Writ­ing: On and off writ­ing for the first blog entry for March, which is turn­ing out to be three or four times longer than most of my usu­al posts. I guess that’s what hap­pens when I start writ­ing about a comics char­ac­ter that was first intro­duced in 1966 (45 years ago): although the num­ber of actu­al appear­ances is actu­al­ly quite small, thank­ful­ly, because the appear­ances are com­pli­cat­ed to explain properly.

Research: I dis­cov­ered a book of def­i­nite inter­est: “Incog­ni­to: the Secret Lives of the Brain” by David Eagle­man. He is a neu­ro­sci­en­tist and wrote this book about the depths of the uncon­scious mind, some of which appears to cor­re­spond with some of the things I’ve been work­ing out regard­ing how the mind and brain co-exist and coop­er­ate, par­tic­u­lar­ly in regards to the state of hyp­no­sis and how to induce it. I am reserv­ing a copy at the local library although I may want to get a copy for myself in the future.

[amtap book:isbn=0307377334]

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