Happy (Belated) Birthday — Pat Collins

A hap­py but belat­ed birth­day in the mem­o­ry of the late Pat Collins, who was born May 7th. Pat was one of the most famous stage hyp­no­tists of her time and appeared on sev­er­al TV pro­grams (includ­ing a “What’s My Line?” appear­ance before she was famous) and had two cable spe­cials. She was also known for help­ing oth­ers with hyp­no­sis, includ­ing sev­er­al major tele­vi­sion and film stars of her period.

Accord­ing to the Face­book page here, the founder of the page is pro­duc­ing a doc­u­men­tary about Pat Collins and I for one am look­ing for­ward to see­ing it.

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